Sandboxels/Vanilla elements
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- heat
- cool
- erase
- pick
- mix
- lookup
- shock
- paint
- unpaint
- sand
- water
- salt_water
- sugar_water
- seltzer
- dirty_water
- pool_water
- dirt
- mud
- wet_sand
- rock
- mudstone
- packed_sand
- plant
- dead_plant
- frozen_plant
- grass
- algae
- concrete
- wall
- fire
- bomb
- steam
- ice
- snow
- packed_snow
- wood
- smoke
- magma
- plasma
- cold_fire
- glass
- molten_glass
- rad_glass
- meat
- rotten_meat
- cooked_meat
- frozen_meat
- chocolate
- cloner
- ecloner
- slow_cloner
- wire
- random
- uncharge
- unburn
- smash
- filler
- lattice
- gravel
- slime
- cement
- dust
- void
- sun
- cell
- cancer
- dna
- plague
- flea
- termite
- ant
- worm
- fly
- firefly
- bee
- stink_bug
- dead_bug
- human
- body
- head
- bird
- rat
- frog
- frozen_frog
- tadpole
- fish
- slug
- snail
- heater
- cooler
- superheater
- freezer
- torch
- spout
- udder
- bone_marrow
- bone
- antipowder
- antimolten
- antifire
- antifluid
- antigas
- vertical
- horizontal
- rocket
- ash
- light
- laser
- ball
- pointer
- charcoal
- tinder
- sawdust
- salt
- hail
- hydrogen
- oxygen
- nitrogen
- helium
- anesthesia
- ammonia
- liquid_ammonia
- carbon_dioxide
- oil
- lamp_oil
- propane
- methane
- stained_glass
- molten_stained_glass
- art
- rainbow
- static
- border
- clay
- clay_soil
- brick
- ruins
- sapling
- seeds
- grass_seed
- wheat_seed
- straw
- paper
- pollen
- flower_seed
- pistil
- petal
- tree_branch
- vine
- bamboo
- bamboo_plant
- burner
- foam
- bubble
- acid
- neutral_acid
- acid_gas
- glue
- soda
- gray_goo
- malware
- clone_powder
- floating_cloner
- virus
- ice_nine
- strange_matter
- permafrost
- cheese
- melted_cheese
- mushroom_spore
- mushroom_stalk
- mushroom_gill
- mushroom_cap
- hyphae
- mycelium
- lichen
- antimatter
- plastic
- molten_plastic
- cellulose
- wax
- melted_wax
- incense
- fuse
- dioxin
- insulation
- sponge
- iron
- copper
- gold
- nickel
- zinc
- silver
- tin
- lead
- aluminum
- tungsten
- molten_tungsten
- brass
- bronze
- sterling
- steel
- gallium
- molten_gallium
- rose_gold
- electrum
- solder
- molten_copper
- molten_gold
- molten_iron
- pyrite
- molten_tin
- juice
- broth
- milk
- chocolate_milk
- fruit_milk
- yogurt
- frozen_yogurt
- egg
- yolk
- homunculus
- hard_yolk
- grape
- vinegar
- corn
- popcorn
- corn_seed
- potato_seed
- potato
- root
- fiber
- yeast
- bread
- toast
- wheat
- flour
- dough
- sugar
- candy
- baking_soda
- sodium_acetate
- dry_ice
- nitrogen_ice
- porcelain
- particleboard
- alcohol
- basalt
- soap
- bleach
- chlorine
- liquid_chlorine
- dye
- ink
- mercury
- blood
- vaccine
- antibody
- infection
- poison
- poison_gas
- antidote
- honey
- sap
- caramel
- molasses
- ketchup
- melted_chocolate
- liquid_hydrogen
- liquid_oxygen
- liquid_nitrogen
- liquid_helium
- sodium
- calcium
- limestone
- quicklime
- slaked_lime
- thermite
- molten_thermite
- slag
- amalgam
- molten_aluminum
- molten_zinc
- neon
- liquid_neon
- smog
- stench
- fragrance
- cyanide
- ozone
- cloud
- rain_cloud
- snow_cloud
- hail_cloud
- acid_cloud
- pyrocumulus
- fire_cloud
- color_smoke
- spray_paint
- battery
- led_r
- led_g
- led_b
- sulfur
- molten_sulfur
- sulfur_gas
- copper_sulfate
- snake
- loopy
- radiation
- rad_steam
- rad_cloud
- fallout
- neutron
- proton
- electric
- uranium
- molten_uranium
- diamond
- gold_coin
- rust
- oxidized_copper
- metal_scrap
- glass_shard
- brick_rubble
- baked_clay
- feather
- glitter
- bead
- color_sand
- borax
- epsom_salt
- potassium_salt
- explosion
- n_explosion
- supernova
- pop
- cook
- incinerate
- room_temp
- positron
- tnt
- c4
- grenade
- dynamite
- gunpowder
- ember
- firework
- fw_ember
- nuke
- h_bomb
- dirty_bomb
- emp_bomb
- nitroglycerin
- greek_fire
- sticky_bomb
- cold_bomb
- hot_bomb
- electro_bomb
- water_bomb
- antimatter_bomb
- flashbang
- flash
- smoke_grenade
- fireball
- landmine
- cluster_bomb
- armageddon
- tesla_coil
- light_bulb
- shocker
- pressure_plate
- primordial_soup
- molten_slag
- molten_dirt
- debug
- salt_ice
- sugar_ice
- seltzer_ice
- dirty_ice
- pool_ice
- blood_ice
- antibody_ice
- infection_ice
- molten_rad_glass
- slime_ice
- antiice
- molten_salt
- liquid_propane
- liquid_methane
- molten_brick
- acid_ice
- molten_nickel
- molten_silver
- molten_lead
- molten_brass
- molten_bronze
- molten_sterling
- molten_steel
- gallium_gas
- molten_rose_gold
- molten_electrum
- molten_solder
- molten_pyrite
- juice_ice
- molten_baking_soda
- alcohol_gas
- alcohol_ice
- chlorine_ice
- mercury_gas
- solid_mercury
- hydrogen_ice
- oxygen_ice
- molten_sodium
- molten_calcium
- molten_amalgam
- molten_copper_sulfate
- molten_borax
- molten_epsom_salt
- molten_potassium_salt