Sandboxels/element to id.js

From R74n Wikibase
Revision as of 23:59, 23 November 2022 by R74n (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{ "heat": 153, "cool": 154, "erase": 155, "pick": 156, "mix": 157, "lookup": 158, "shock": 159, "paint": 160, "unpaint": 161, "sand": 162, "water": 163, "salt_water": 164, "sugar_water": 165, "seltzer": 166, "dirty_water": 167, "pool_water": 168, "dirt": 169, "mud": 170, "wet_sand": 171, "rock": 172, "mudstone": 173, "packed_sand": 174, "plant": 175, "dead_plant": 176, "frozen_plant": 177, "grass": 178, "algae": 179, "concrete": 180, "wall": 181, "fire": 182, "bomb": 183...")
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{ "heat": 153, "cool": 154, "erase": 155, "pick": 156, "mix": 157, "lookup": 158, "shock": 159, "paint": 160, "unpaint": 161, "sand": 162, "water": 163, "salt_water": 164, "sugar_water": 165, "seltzer": 166, "dirty_water": 167, "pool_water": 168, "dirt": 169, "mud": 170, "wet_sand": 171, "rock": 172, "mudstone": 173, "packed_sand": 174, "plant": 175, "dead_plant": 176, "frozen_plant": 177, "grass": 178, "algae": 179, "concrete": 180, "wall": 181, "fire": 182, "bomb": 183, "steam": 184, "ice": 185, "snow": 186, "packed_snow": 187, "wood": 188, "smoke": 189, "magma": 190, "plasma": 191, "cold_fire": 192, "glass": 193, "molten_glass": 194, "rad_glass": 195, "meat": 196, "rotten_meat": 197, "cooked_meat": 198, "frozen_meat": 199, "chocolate": 200, "cloner": 201, "ecloner": 202, "slow_cloner": 203, "wire": 204, "random": 205, "uncharge": 206, "unburn": 207, "smash": 208, "filler": 209, "lattice": 210, "gravel": 211, "slime": 212, "cement": 213, "dust": 214, "void": 215, "sun": 216, "cell": 217, "cancer": 218, "dna": 219, "plague": 220, "flea": 221, "termite": 222, "ant": 223, "worm": 224, "fly": 225, "firefly": 226, "bee": 227, "stink_bug": 228, "dead_bug": 229, "human": 230, "body": 231, "head": 232, "bird": 233, "rat": 234, "frog": 235, "frozen_frog": 236, "tadpole": 237, "fish": 238, "slug": 239, "snail": 240, "heater": 241, "cooler": 242, "superheater": 243, "freezer": 244, "torch": 245, "spout": 246, "udder": 247, "bone_marrow": 248, "bone": 249, "antipowder": 250, "antimolten": 251, "antifire": 252, "antifluid": 253, "antigas": 254, "vertical": 255, "horizontal": 256, "rocket": 257, "ash": 258, "light": 259, "laser": 260, "ball": 261, "pointer": 262, "charcoal": 263, "tinder": 264, "sawdust": 265, "salt": 266, "hail": 267, "hydrogen": 268, "oxygen": 269, "nitrogen": 270, "helium": 271, "anesthesia": 272, "ammonia": 273, "liquid_ammonia": 274, "carbon_dioxide": 275, "oil": 276, "lamp_oil": 277, "propane": 278, "methane": 279, "stained_glass": 280, "molten_stained_glass": 281, "art": 282, "rainbow": 283, "static": 284, "border": 285, "clay": 286, "clay_soil": 287, "brick": 288, "ruins": 289, "sapling": 290, "seeds": 291, "grass_seed": 292, "wheat_seed": 293, "straw": 294, "paper": 295, "pollen": 296, "flower_seed": 297, "pistil": 298, "petal": 299, "tree_branch": 300, "vine": 301, "bamboo": 302, "bamboo_plant": 303, "burner": 304, "foam": 305, "bubble": 306, "acid": 307, "neutral_acid": 308, "acid_gas": 309, "glue": 310, "soda": 311, "gray_goo": 312, "malware": 313, "clone_powder": 314, "floating_cloner": 315, "virus": 316, "ice_nine": 317, "strange_matter": 318, "permafrost": 319, "cheese": 320, "melted_cheese": 321, "mushroom_spore": 322, "mushroom_stalk": 323, "mushroom_gill": 324, "mushroom_cap": 325, "hyphae": 326, "mycelium": 327, "lichen": 328, "antimatter": 329, "plastic": 330, "molten_plastic": 331, "cellulose": 332, "wax": 333, "melted_wax": 334, "incense": 335, "fuse": 336, "dioxin": 337, "insulation": 338, "sponge": 339, "iron": 340, "copper": 341, "gold": 342, "nickel": 343, "zinc": 344, "silver": 345, "tin": 346, "lead": 347, "aluminum": 348, "tungsten": 349, "molten_tungsten": 350, "brass": 351, "bronze": 352, "sterling": 353, "steel": 354, "gallium": 355, "molten_gallium": 356, "rose_gold": 357, "electrum": 358, "solder": 359, "molten_copper": 360, "molten_gold": 361, "molten_iron": 362, "pyrite": 363, "molten_tin": 364, "juice": 365, "broth": 366, "milk": 367, "chocolate_milk": 368, "fruit_milk": 369, "yogurt": 370, "frozen_yogurt": 371, "egg": 372, "yolk": 373, "homunculus": 374, "hard_yolk": 375, "grape": 376, "vinegar": 377, "corn": 378, "popcorn": 379, "corn_seed": 380, "potato_seed": 381, "potato": 382, "root": 383, "fiber": 384, "yeast": 385, "bread": 386, "toast": 387, "wheat": 388, "flour": 389, "dough": 390, "sugar": 391, "candy": 392, "baking_soda": 393, "sodium_acetate": 394, "dry_ice": 395, "nitrogen_ice": 396, "porcelain": 397, "particleboard": 398, "alcohol": 399, "basalt": 400, "soap": 401, "bleach": 402, "chlorine": 403, "liquid_chlorine": 404, "dye": 405, "ink": 406, "mercury": 407, "blood": 408, "vaccine": 409, "antibody": 410, "infection": 411, "poison": 412, "poison_gas": 413, "antidote": 414, "honey": 415, "sap": 416, "caramel": 417, "molasses": 418, "ketchup": 419, "melted_chocolate": 420, "liquid_hydrogen": 421, "liquid_oxygen": 422, "liquid_nitrogen": 423, "liquid_helium": 424, "sodium": 425, "calcium": 426, "limestone": 427, "quicklime": 428, "slaked_lime": 429, "thermite": 430, "molten_thermite": 431, "slag": 432, "amalgam": 433, "molten_aluminum": 434, "molten_zinc": 435, "neon": 436, "liquid_neon": 437, "smog": 438, "stench": 439, "fragrance": 440, "cyanide": 441, "ozone": 442, "cloud": 443, "rain_cloud": 444, "snow_cloud": 445, "hail_cloud": 446, "acid_cloud": 447, "pyrocumulus": 448, "fire_cloud": 449, "color_smoke": 450, "spray_paint": 451, "battery": 452, "led_r": 453, "led_g": 454, "led_b": 455, "sulfur": 456, "molten_sulfur": 457, "sulfur_gas": 458, "copper_sulfate": 459, "snake": 460, "loopy": 461, "radiation": 462, "rad_steam": 463, "rad_cloud": 464, "fallout": 465, "neutron": 466, "proton": 467, "electric": 468, "uranium": 469, "molten_uranium": 470, "diamond": 471, "gold_coin": 472, "rust": 473, "oxidized_copper": 474, "metal_scrap": 475, "glass_shard": 476, "brick_rubble": 477, "baked_clay": 478, "feather": 479, "glitter": 480, "bead": 481, "color_sand": 482, "borax": 483, "epsom_salt": 484, "potassium_salt": 485, "explosion": 486, "n_explosion": 487, "supernova": 488, "pop": 489, "cook": 490, "incinerate": 491, "room_temp": 492, "positron": 493, "tnt": 494, "c4": 495, "grenade": 496, "dynamite": 497, "gunpowder": 498, "ember": 499, "firework": 500, "fw_ember": 501, "nuke": 502, "h_bomb": 503, "dirty_bomb": 504, "emp_bomb": 505, "nitroglycerin": 506, "greek_fire": 507, "sticky_bomb": 508, "cold_bomb": 509, "hot_bomb": 510, "electro_bomb": 511, "water_bomb": 512, "antimatter_bomb": 513, "flashbang": 514, "flash": 515, "smoke_grenade": 516, "fireball": 517, "landmine": 518, "cluster_bomb": 519, "armageddon": 520, "tesla_coil": 521, "light_bulb": 522, "shocker": 523, "pressure_plate": 524, "primordial_soup": 525, "molten_slag": 526, "molten_dirt": 527, "debug": 528, "salt_ice": 529, "sugar_ice": 530, "seltzer_ice": 531, "dirty_ice": 532, "pool_ice": 533, "blood_ice": 534, "antibody_ice": 535, "infection_ice": 536, "molten_rad_glass": 537, "slime_ice": 538, "antiice": 539, "molten_salt": 540, "liquid_propane": 541, "liquid_methane": 542, "molten_brick": 543, "acid_ice": 544, "molten_nickel": 545, "molten_silver": 546, "molten_lead": 547, "molten_brass": 548, "molten_bronze": 549, "molten_sterling": 550, "molten_steel": 551, "gallium_gas": 552, "molten_rose_gold": 553, "molten_electrum": 554, "molten_solder": 555, "molten_pyrite": 556, "juice_ice": 557, "molten_baking_soda": 558, "alcohol_gas": 559, "alcohol_ice": 560, "chlorine_ice": 561, "mercury_gas": 562, "solid_mercury": 563, "hydrogen_ice": 564, "oxygen_ice": 565, "molten_sodium": 566, "molten_calcium": 567, "molten_amalgam": 568, "molten_copper_sulfate": 569, "molten_borax": 570, "molten_epsom_salt": 571, "molten_potassium_salt": 572 }